FEMIB the / le / die
Federation of the European Building Joinery Associations /
Fédération Européenne des Syndicats de Menuiseries Industrielles du Bàtiment /
Vereinigung der Europäischen Verbände der Holzindustrie im Baubereich
EuroWindoor AISBL
FEMIB members agreed in a meeting for preparation of a new AISBL founding on March 25th, 2015 to suspend the operations of FEMIB and to participate instead to the new European Association EuroWindoor AISBL.
For more Information please visit www.EuroWindoor.eu
10 good reasons to pick wood as your building material

- Wood is a natural material
- Wood is a modern material
- Wood is a functional material
- Wood is cheap to purchase
- Wood is easy to process
- Wood is CO2 neutral
- Wood is a sustainable material
- Wood is easy accessible
- Wood is easy to reuse or recycle
- Wood has enormous application possibilities