FEMIB, the Federation of the European Building Joinery Associations was founded in Paris in 1958 and represents associations of the manufacturers of the building joinery industry.

Building joinery industry includes amongst others the producing in series of carpentry, prefabricated housing elements, shutters, stairs an interior work,... The main competence of FEMIB is the representation for the woodworking fenestration and door sector in Europe.

FEMIB exists now of 8 members representing eight European countries:

  • Denmark: Traets Arbejdsgiverforening - The Association of Danish Woodworking Industries, Copenhagen
  • Finland: RT Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries, Helsinki
  • Germany: VFF Verband Fenster + Fassade, Frankfurt a.M.
  • Norway: Norsk Trevare, Oslo
  • Spain: FEIM Federación Española de Industrias de la Madera, Madrid
  • Sweden: TMF Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry, Stockholm
  • Switzerland: SZFF Schweizerische Zentrale Fenster und Fassaden, Dietikon
  • The Netherlands: Nederlandse Branchevereniging voor de Timmerindustrie

For more informations to the members klick here.

For positions of FEMIB klick here.